我想要一個簡單的VB鬧鐘程式 誰能幫幫忙呢! 幫幫幫~~ 就是一個能自己設定鬧鐘時間 時間到能做其一件事情 如有聲音~會一直閃爍等等
Rem 表單佈局: Rem image*1,command_button*3,frame*3,Timer*2,OLE*1 Rem frame各放置text *3 及確定按鈕, 可分別設定鬧鐘時間,調整系統時間、顯示鬧鈴時間,確定後儲存至變數等待時間比對。 Dim frm_show As Boolean Dim alarm As Boolean Dim alarm_hh, alarm_mm, alarm_ss As Integer Private Sub cmd_end_display_Click() Call disable_frame End Sub Private Sub cmd_end_modify_Click() hh = Text4 mm = Text5 ss = Text6 set_time = hh & ":" & mm & ":" & ss Time = set_time '設定系統時間 Call disable_frame End Sub Private Sub cmd_end_set_Click() '設定鬧鈴時間 alarm_hh = Val(Text1) alarm_mm = Val(Text2) alarm_ss = Val(Text3) Call disable_frame End Sub Private Sub Command_display_Click() '鬧鈴顯示 Frame_modify.Visible = False Frame_set.Visible = False Frame_display.Visible = True Text7 = alarm_hh Text8 = alarm_mm Text9 = alarm_ss End Sub Private Sub Command_modify_Click() '時鐘調整 Frame_modify.Visible = True Frame_set.Visible = False Text4 = Hour(Time) '截取現在系統時間 Text5 = Minute(Time) Text6 = Second(Time) End Sub Private Sub Command_set_Click() '鬧鈴設定 Frame_modify.Visible = False Frame_display.Visible = False Frame_set.Visible = True hh = Hour(Time)英語辭典 '預設值為現在系統時間 mm = Minute(Time) ss = Second(Time) Text1 = hh Text2 = mm Text3 = ss End Sub Rem image1上方製作2個command_button,下方為button1,上方為button2 Private Sub Command1_Click()夏恩英語 '當作鬧鐘上方的控制鍵,按一下,則command2顯示 Command2.Visible = Not Command2.Visible If Command2.Visible = True Then alarm = True Else alarm = False OLE1.Close End If End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() '當作鬧鐘上方的控制鍵,按下時停止鬧鈴 Command2.Visible = Not Command2.Visible If Command2.Visible = True Then alarm = True Else alarm = False OLE1.Close End If End Sub 以上顯示有亂碼部份,'是註解符號(單引號),"是雙引號的亂碼 內容太多,待續... 2007-02-21 22:25:53 補充: Private Sub Form_Load() Call disable_frame Label1 = Date alarm = False Timer2.Enabled = False End Sub 內容待續 2007-02-21 22:26:38 補充: Private Sub Image1_Click() '可以用繪圖軟體畫個鬧鐘 frm_show = Not frm_show If frm_show = True Then Command_set.Visible = True Command_modify.Visible = True Command_display.Visible = True Else Call disable_frame End If End Sub 內容待續 2007-02-21 22:28:13 補充: Private Sub Timer1_Timer() '系統時間 hh = Hour(Time) mm = Minute(Time) ss = Second(Time) Label2 = "現在時間:" & hh & "點" & mm & "分" & ss & "秒" '--------------------------------------------------------- If alarm_hh = hh And alarm_mm = mm And alarm_ss = ss Then alarm = True 2007-02-21 22:29:06 補充: Timer2.Enabled = True End If If alarm_mm = mm Then Timer2.Enabled = True Else Timer2.Enabled = False End If End Sub 2007-02-21 22:30:20 補充: Sub disable_frame() Command_set.Visible = False Command_modify.Visible = False Command_display.Visible = False '-------------------------------- Frame_modify.Visible = False Frame_display.Visible = False Frame_set.Visible = False End Sub 2007-02-21 22:30:30 補充: Private Sub Timer2_Timer() '控制鬧鈴音樂動作 If alarm Then OLE1.DoVerb 'ole1控制項,負責播放音樂(wav) End If End Sub
到下面的網址看看吧 ??http://qoozoo201409150.pixnet.net/blog|||||這有類似的 ??http://qoozoo1400703.pixnet.net/blog|||||給一個 基本的 你自己再去改吧 (VB6) 螢幕上的配置: 標記1: "現在時間" 標記2: "鬧鐘時間" 文字框1: (Text1) 文字框2: (Text2) --- 輸入 鬧鐘時間 按鈕1: (Command1) "Start" 按鈕2: (Command2) "Exit" 時鐘1: (Timer1) --- Interval 設為 1000 ================================= Option Explicit Dim start As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() start = 1 End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() End End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() start = 0 End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Text1.Text = Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss") If (start = 1) Then If (Text1.Text > Text2.Text) Then Beep End If End If End Sub ================================= 鬧鐘時間 請依 "hh:mm:ss" 的格式輸入 時間到了電腦會一直 嗶嗶 叫 直到你按 Exit 如果有問題, 請來函討論. 不然, 我可能會錯失你再補充的疑點.